
Similar to ImgDetections, but this message includes XYZ coordinates of the detected objects as well.

Both YoloSpatialDetectionNetwork and MobileNetSpatialDetectionNetwork output this message.


class depthai.SpatialImgDetections

SpatialImgDetections message. Carries detection results together with spatial location data

getData(self: object) → numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]

Reference to internal buffer

getRaw(self: depthai.ADatatype)depthai.RawBuffer
setData(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. setData(self: depthai.Buffer, arg0: List[int]) -> None

Parameter data:

Copies data to internal buffer

  1. setData(self: depthai.Buffer, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]) -> None

Parameter data:

Copies data to internal buffer

class dai::SpatialImgDetections : public dai::Buffer

SpatialImgDetections message. Carries detection results together with spatial location data

Public Functions


Construct SpatialImgDetections message.

SpatialImgDetections(std::shared_ptr<RawSpatialImgDetections> ptr)
~SpatialImgDetections() = default

Public Members

std::vector<SpatialImgDetection> &detections

Detection results.

Private Functions

std::shared_ptr<RawBuffer> serialize() const override

Private Members

RawSpatialImgDetections &dets

Got questions?

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