
Both YoloDetectionNetwork and MobileNetDetectionNetwork output this message. This message contains a list of detections, which contains label, confidence, and the bounding box information (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).


class depthai.ImgDetections

ImgDetections message. Carries normalized detection results

property detections


getData(self: object) → numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]

Reference to internal buffer

getRaw(self: depthai.ADatatype)depthai.RawBuffer
setData(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. setData(self: depthai.Buffer, arg0: List[int]) -> None

Parameter data:

Copies data to internal buffer

  1. setData(self: depthai.Buffer, arg0: numpy.ndarray[numpy.uint8]) -> None

Parameter data:

Copies data to internal buffer

class dai::ImgDetections : public dai::Buffer

ImgDetections message. Carries normalized detection results

Public Functions


Construct ImgDetections message.

ImgDetections(std::shared_ptr<RawImgDetections> ptr)
~ImgDetections() = default

Public Members

std::vector<ImgDetection> &detections


Private Functions

std::shared_ptr<RawBuffer> serialize() const override

Private Members

RawImgDetections &dets

Got questions?

We’re always happy to help with code or other questions you might have.